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The Worst Form Of Government?

submitted by BulletStopper to WorldPolitics 6 monthsDec 3, 2023 08:38:34 ago (+2/-1)     (www.reckonin.com)


The worst part is that, for all of the objections to "citizen referendums", "direct democracy" or so-called "true democracy", as "mob rule", in the end it still seems to be a better choice (from a menu of bad ones) than the various types of representative systems that were supposed to "fix" it, and protect us all from "mob rule". They all just succeeded in making it worse.

(TLDR? Short answer: Uses a variety of the usual euphamisms to say: "It's the jews". Again.)

2 comments block

The best form of government may well be direct democracy, because over time people will learn ow different combinations of policies work together, and form the ideal government out of trial and error.

But before that people need to learn how to deal with the "error" part of it, people will suffer and die, perhaps even for sufficiently upsetting the public with their actions. We must be willing to endure the hardships that come with a government that allows itself to make mistakes on the journey to find it's best way.

The problem with having politicians who make laws, is that to justify their existence they must constantly be making changes to the law, you can have the perfect system and they will have to fuck it all up by virtue of being what they are. Having lawmakers is frankly unsustainable.