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3 comments block

Don't read too much into any of this. Politics is just show business for ugly people. It helps keep the goyim distracted from the (((people))) behind the curtain who are actually running the show.

Do not be fooled. It's all part of the show.

Every once in a while the PTB have to let the little people think that they've "won" one, to give them a little hope, release the pressure on the kettle a little, and prevent any real change from happening because THAT would involve (((them))) swinging by their necks and they know it.

It also makes the goyim relax a little and gives (((them))) a chance to consolidate their gains and get reset for the next assault on White civilization.

Ask this:
In the midst of all of this "winning" going on, exactly how many leftist policies that have been put into place have actually been rolled back?

How many mass arrests and deportations of criminal migrants have taken place?

How much of the government funded financial aid and support of the criminal migrants been cut off?

How many (((NGOs))) have been declared illegal/terrorist organizations and their assets frozen/confiscated?

How many criminal migrants have been executed for capital crimes committed against the citizens?

How many of the known criminals and traitors that put those policies in place are in prison for having done it?

These are just a few, but if the answer is "none", then there. You have your answer.

At this point, you won't need to be told if any REAL political change starts.
Because it won't involve an election or voting.

It will involve lots of fuckers being lined up against the walls and shot.