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[updated] PSA public service announcement on possible imminent Jewish terrorist attacks

submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 6 monthsNov 25, 2023 17:40:35 ago (+4/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


Jews have been so radicalized you guys better keep an eye on your local synagogues in case any of those Jews decide to go on a mass shooting terrorist attack on the Goyim. Lock up your kids, we know they're known for raping and killing children

The terrorist state of Israel has been carrying out a US-backed genocide for decades and recently they believe they've obtained a casus belli to go full throttle with the genocide.

They're on film saying they're committing these war crimes. The Israelis were even caught using white phosphorus chemical weapons in a terrorist attack on occupied Palestine.

I have the videos but there are too many to post. Here is a telegram channel documenting Israel's terrorist attacks on children and civilians.


The Israelis are now threatening terrorist attacks on European and American soil if Europe and America do not send military support for their genocide campaign against the Palestinians.


1 comments block

mxcviel 0 points 6 months ago

yeah, Middle_East_Spectator is quite a good channel, from muslem perspective though
He said he's Egyptian, but frankly I'm not quite sure.