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Chuck Schumer lead a “never again” chant at the astroturfed “March for israel” event

submitted by NationalSocialism to Holohoax 7 monthsNov 18, 2023 00:14:17 ago (+3/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Christcuck, House Speaker Mike Johnson gave a speech as well about how he will give the most American taxpayer money to israel.

3 comments block

the jews paid people $250 to show up and based on aerial views they could barely get 30k people. Its like standing in a parking lot of a bar and chanting "never again" after being banned from 110 other bars. This is how arrogant the jew is. When they say "never again" what they mean is they think they have white people under control. They're sadly mistaken. The bar owner is on his way into the parking lot.