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They Reposted Posters In My Neighborhood. I Just Took Down 15-20

submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Jews 7 monthsNov 9, 2023 09:06:38 ago (+85/-2)     (Jews)

I was recorded 4 times.

The first time was by a clean cut looking younger man. Looked about 30. He saw me taking down the posters and said: “What the fuck are doing?”

Me: “This is America—not Israel.”

Him: “You can’t take that down”

Me: $75 fine. Department of Sanitation

I was recorded by 3 more women who cursed me out from their cars, called me a terrorist, etc.

One guy pulled off the road diagonally towards ne aggressively in his SUV and blared his horn at me.

No crime is being committed by me and I should have recorded the guy in the SUV because that was certainly a crime. They threatened to call the police, as well. Obviously, I’m in the right here, so I kept removing them.

125 comments block

Dr_Mx -1 points 7 months ago

It's good to treat anything to do with Palestine the same - this isn't our war.