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The "extinct" Gros Michel banana is still grown and sold in Hawaii. $2.99 per pound.

submitted by Sector2 to BANANA 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 16:16:18 ago (+31/-1)     (farmlinkhawaii.com)


"The few countries that still produce the Gros Michel today mostly do so under another name: Thihmwe in Myanmar, Johnson in Cuba, Pisang Ambon in Malaysia. In Hawai'i, it is commercially grown as Bluefields." (But still known as Gros Michels too.)

"Bluefield bananas look a lot like a regular grocery store Chiquita or Dole banana, but the difference is obvious as soon as you start to peel them. They have a wonderful, fruity fragrance that is similar to banana pudding or artificial banana scents. The texture is more firm than a Chiquita-type cavendish banana, but still creamy. The flavor is sweeter, more complex, and far more delicious than grocery store bananas."

Let's hope a year from now we haven't just elected a Gros Michel as our president. Start working on your gross 'tranna banana' jokes and merch now.

2 comments block

Chris Christie just stuck a Gros Michel in his mouth in Florida