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Our only choice is a civil war

submitted by Conspirologist to TellTalk 9 monthsSep 18, 2023 15:23:06 ago (+34/-7)     (TellTalk)

I'm old. I don't give a fuck. I know our only choice is a civil war. Nobody gives a fuck because the majority here are teens who only think about sex. The funny thing is we would win a civil war against degenerate perverts, because they can't fight. The sad thing is we will never fight the degenerate perverts, because the majority are brainwashed morons.

54 comments block

Xantha -1 points 9 months ago

This is something I never understood. Like people who are suicidal and will make attempts to kill themselves but don't make an attempt to improve anything for the rest of us when they do it. They'd rather stream blowing their brains out on liveleak than whack some obvious shitbag politician and go down in a hail of gunfire.

Then you have these die-hard patriot older people in their 55+ range (ive met plenty IRL), many of whom are veterans-- say shit about needing a civil war/revolution/whatever and then ultimately do nothing. Hell even my goddamn USPS mailman said the shit many many times before he retired. But none of them lead by example and the buck gets passed onto young boys <25 in many cases, to do the job of actual men. Kenosha happened because a boy was left to do the job of actual men.

Boomers have more numbers than any other generation, just the 55 to 60-ers could un-fuck the entire situation almost overnight even if half of them are totally crippled geriatrics. Could you imagine the shitshow damage control the kikes would have to push to try to cover-up attempting to blow up pissed off old people with little to lose. Politics in the West would invert overnight when people see fuckin papaw fighting ZOG from an adhoc armored vehicle. I don't understand why men who've lived almost the complete cycle of their lives choose to do nothing while the kid with his whole life in front of him (and everything to lose) is left to do it all.