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Microsoft settings keep resetting but noticed this weird shit

submitted by Bottled_Tears to whatever 10 monthsAug 7, 2023 13:10:49 ago (+30/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


islamic prayer times? Fuck I hate this country. If we lived in Saudi Arabia or any islamic country and we bent our knee towards any other religion they would come for us and behead us while others cheer on the sideline raping goats and children.

Also, fuck these "Smart" accounts that link your desktop to online. It's been a trash system that is clearly brainwashing people into reading fake ass news. I work in tech and in a cleanroom (Everyone can see each other's screens from multiple meters away, no cubicles) and I look over and constantly see my coworkers reading these crazy articles and stupid titles handing out false information. I'll see them get up and go talk to others about it.

My only takeaway that Microsoft has done that I find somewhat positive is that they now let you comment on almost all news articles through their Microsoft system. Although, I have noticed they remove the feature to comment that has anything to do with Biden, LGBT, niggers being monsters, or religions like this islamic shit. (islam gets no capital since it is a subhuman religion).

16 comments block

Dr_Mx 9 points 10 months ago

Well, Brenton Tarrant would have found that toggle useful.