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Say goodbye to talk.lol

submitted by system to whatever 10 monthsAug 4, 2023 12:36:35 ago (+47/-1)     (whatever)

Later today talk.lol will be no more.




The site name and domain is changing. Why? I was never too fond of "talk.lol" as a name. Yes it is short and sweet, but it never really grew on me and I think others can relate. Also the "premium" domain renewal is crazy and way higher than it should be. I think the new name better represents the community. It's also fitting for a voting site as well. The talk.lol and voat.xyz domain will continue to work as they do now, so after the down time just use the same domain you always have till the new one is revealed, BUT I am considering retiring them soon and eventually they will just redirect to the new domain. The new site will function slightly different then it does now but will pretty much look the same.. at least for now. Down time will start later today.

105 comments block

Wander the desert for 40 years complaining about the God given handouts you are given at no charge, then occupy a host nation and subvert the culture. Once that's all done, we all go back to the holy land.