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Kind of funny with the "Sounds of Freedom" out, will there be a HolyWood ? ~ Hollywood Pedophiles Have ‘Nowhere Left To Hide’

submitted by ParnellsUprising to Pizzagate 11 monthsJul 12, 2023 19:54:12 ago (+22/-2)     (Pizzagate)

With "Sounds of Freedom" out now, seems like they are focusing attention on the (((pedo cabals))) lately.

This was a somewhat interesting article about "Markie Mark/ Walhberg", stating how the Hollywood pedophiles are going to go down relatively soon:


But, just reading the regular bullshit over the last few weeks, and with the release of "Sounds of Freedom", before that you had Uncle Mel with Tim Ballard over in the Ukraine, which could have been a promo to "Sounds of Freedom":


But, it seems like this is starting to get more attention hopefully. Hopefully you will start seeing some of these (((adenochrome freaks))) being brought before the gallows in a public way.

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