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Forgot to hide my power level.

submitted by Aaddfgd15 to kikes 11 monthsJul 10, 2023 12:22:32 ago (+42/-0)     (kikes)

I met a nice girl. On the first date (where we are past names and general interests). We both share a concern of the culture being destroyed, the banking system collapsing. She reveled to me that she was scared to be near black folks, she also was concerned about mudslimes. I agreed with her and cited some specific issues that had happened in the area. Indeed she should be concerned for her safety for legitimate reasons in that area. Then I mentioned that joos are my biggest concern. She instantly transformed- face shocked, behavior terrified, was scared grabbing for the exit. The behavior was as if I had threatened her physical safety. If a person pulled out a knife, the behavior would be appropriate. (In fact, she could not be in a safer place.) I asked her if she was okay, if I had offend her. Physically backed off and tried to deescalate, show my hands, not prevent her from leaving. Tried to show that she is safe. She said she is jooish (she isn't. No, really she is not. I know the church she goes to, and a tiny bit about the parents who are Christians. There is not even a small number of jooish people in the area. I guess that now "joo" is a blood type and this definition was more suited to the conversation). Maybe a distant relative was jooish, but I very much doubt they would consider her a member of their tribe.

I bet you could use a heart monitor to determine what crazy programming people are under.

Anyway to end the story, the next day I reiterated that my concerns of the dying culture and country. And that this was the cause of my concerns about the joos. I think the idea that joos might be involved with the banks, movies, or pornography was never expressed to her. Ultimately I don't think she will come around. It was to sudden of a shock.

I should have hid the power level and let her come around slowly.

43 comments block

Scyber 22 points 11 months ago

OP should've gone straight to Mel Gibson's line: "You're not an oven dodger, are ya"?
Works like a charm.