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Based church to join?

submitted by Ragnar to AskAChristian 11 monthsJun 29, 2023 17:40:38 ago (+5/-0)     (AskAChristian)

Is there actual based church one can join? Or are all churches cucked and full of faggots pandering to muds?

10 comments block

If I were looking for a church, I'd be looking for four red flags:

1) Did the church shutdown per the illegitimate SARS-2 orders?
2) Did the church enforce vaccine requirements in order to participate in service?
3) Did the church enforce masks?
4) Has the church compromised on its morals by being pro-gay pride, etc.?

It may not be the case in ever Roman Catholic church but I found one that impressed me enough by not compromising on its morals. Maybe there are other churches within other denominations that avoided these red flags too. But specific Roman Catholic churches might be a good place to start if you are looking around.