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A reminder to all Goats.

submitted by gaperglory to Fatherhood 1 yearJun 4, 2023 00:55:05 ago (+56/-1)     (Fatherhood)

I just wanted to send a message out there to all you niggers. The events of the last 6 months have been very eye opening for me and I just wanted to share something.
Life will be hard. And it will only get harder. The (((obstacles))) we are all dealing with beat us down endlessly and tend to blackpill us.
Don't wait to start a family. Don't wait for that perfect woman with the perfect past and incredible looks. Just make sure she's white and you can trust her, then get to making babies.

I always thought having a wife and kids would be great because it would be fulfilling. I've recently come to learn that this Disney faggot fantasy has nothing to do with family.

Having children and a wife is important because when your time comes, it comes. And nothing can stop it. The choice you DO have is between a nigger nurse named dashiki who pockets your pain pills and laughs at your suffering with her nigger kin, or the family you DID decide to have when you had the chance who will do everything they can to make sure you're as comfortable as drugs and familial support can make you.
I don't mean to sound corny, but it never occurred to me how important a man's children will be to them at the end.

Don't let your desires for an Aryan 10 stop you from approaching the more trustworthy Aryan 7 with a way better personality and a nurturing disposition.
Make white babies, not just for 1488, but for yourself. They may just come in handy at the end of this shitshow we call life.

Nigger Nigger White Power

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Go back to reddit, faggot.