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Entire Fairport NY School Board & Superintendent Served For Disseminating CHILD PORN

submitted by GetFuckedCunt to videos 1.2 yearsMar 26, 2023 05:40:10 ago (+31/-1)     (rumble.com)


Do you really think that all of the pedos in power feel scared about some peaceful board meetings? The same pedos that had the power to completely cover up Epstein's island where all of the elites went to molest and murder children? These people don't care, they will just find ways to hide it from the public more efficiently now. Without violently removing these people from the gene pool, they will continue to spread their Marxism.

9 comments block

x0x7 0 points 1.2 years ago

No kid should be in public school period. The tragedy of the commons tells us there is no purely moral way to handle public resources. Worse yet public resources managed by a political system are want to be mismanaged and and reapplied to corrupt ends. You are paddling up stream and you are unlikely to succeed. The right answer is to ditch the model. Public education shouldn't be a thing. Get out of the boat and hike. It seems like it will be harder but you will actually make more ground in your child's education. Society as a whole should do that. The future of our children should not be managed politically because nothing that is managed politically is managed well. It should be managed personally. You can't gamble their future on some assumption that you will prevail politically. How long have we pushed anti-war? Have we ever succeeded politically. Don't put your eggs in that basket.

They say you should be happy you don't get all the government you pay for. Don't worry about your child missing out on what you already paid for. Sunk cost.