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Review heritage hill soap and battle brother's blades

submitted by Fuzzybob13 to TheShaveDen 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 10:51:25 ago (+6/-3)     (files.catbox.moe)


the shave soap is great tobacco bay, jasmine, patchouli, sweet orange and fir needle it lathered great on the face ( I didn't have a empty shave bowl or mug ) and had good cushion for the blade. Will buy again just a wonderful shave soap and the scent I loved it need to try the others as well.

The blades are battle brothers normally I use the Personna ( the USA made ones) while the BB ones are not USA made not sure where they are made but no complaints on the blades did the first spring shave and they did wonderful very little irritation for having not shaved in months I did a face and head shave no issues with sharpness for double duty will see how many shaves I can get out of a blade but for first impression it was great.

Followed up with some Clubman pinaud think a spice or bay run would match the soap better but I'm out and locally old spice is the only option and not giving P&G money so I'll have to order more one of these days

5 comments block

MaryXmas 1 points 1.2 years ago

I like Stirling soap and blizzard (not stirling brand) is amazing for ice cold menthol. I use a Baxter of CA de razor and sometimes use a straight razor.