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The Forced Medication of All Citizens

submitted by knightwarrior41 to Health 1.3 yearsMar 13, 2023 00:43:58 ago (+4/-0)     (off-guardian.org)


It all started back in the 1950s with “these drugs will make you feel better, just try them.” And people did.

Over the years it morphed into “WE RECOMMEND these drugs if you don’t want to be sick, depressed or dead.” Almost everyone listened and accepted that drugs were the answer and there was no way to live without them.

Over the past three years it’s been “YOU MUST TAKE these drugs or else you endanger your own life and the lives of those around you.” By this point, people were so conditioned to take drugs that they thought nothing of submitting to an experimental mRNA gene therapy that the experts promised would keep them “safe”.

1 comments block

Sadly, that sounds about right.