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If they can use 'anonymous tips' to confiscate weapons, then they can use artificially generated voices to create those "anonymous tips"

submitted by prototype to USPolitics 1.4 yearsFeb 8, 2023 18:24:49 ago (+70/-1)     (USPolitics)

If they can use an 'anonymous' tip to confiscate your weapons, then by political weaponization, they could use artificially generated voices and "lose the recordings" afterward, to target or disarm anyone they want.

I think a lot of people will just disobey a confiscation order, even with police or ATF at the door. Good for them.

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26 comments block

The low level guys lie.

The high level guys manufacture a paper trail.

What do you think the russiagate dossier was about?

Hence why they would use something like that. It's playbook.

Playbooks tactics and thinking don't typically change.