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Google thot life

submitted by shitface9000 to ThotPatrol 1.4 yearsJan 24, 2023 15:42:09 ago (+47/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


34 comments block

I'm betting 90% of these girls that were working for these companies we just reviewing comments that other people made for social compliance. I doubt any of them did any hard coding or anything that actually added to Google's bottom line.

Incredibly cushed jobs basically thought welfare and welfare for wookies.

Elon Musk started all these firings and we should thank him for it. He proved when you fired 90% of these people the company got better not worse. You only need about 10 or 20 hardcore coders for search engine or Twitter or something like that. And you even need less than that now that chat GPT can do so much coding