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Conversations at work

submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 1.4 yearsJan 9, 2023 21:46:28 ago (+24/-1)     (Controlavirus)

Came into a client's office. California blue county surrounded by more blue counties. 3 White guys sitting there mid conversation, one is mega boomer old guy, two are in their 40s or 50s. They cut the conversation as I walk in and boomer old guy asks: Kozel, what do you think of Dr Fauci.

I think he should hang from a lamp post.

They were surprised by my bluntness, laughed, and complimented my statement.

Mission Passed. Respect

Afterwards I visit the parts department. There's a white guy with a low jew admixture who's anti vax. Some weeks ago he was very distraught and told me "dude you know they are killing us with vaccines". I said yes, I do. Anyway, he tells me that they can't purchase any toe tags that they use for identifying parts because there's a supply shortage of toe tags. I ask if he's joking and he's not. Toe Tags are used in morgues to identify the dead. I catch him up on some stuff, he says man Kozel I feel dumb after talking to you. I tell him, you can't be dumb, you didn't get the vax even after all the pressure.

Go to the wamen department. There's a White girl there who sits in a cubicle alone wearing a mask. I saw her some months ago, alone in that big office, wearing a mask. She's not giving up.

37 comments block

Doesn't pass the smell test. I've also watched this all go down in real time. Unfortunately for the kwaps I have lots of time to watch their bots and what they do. I get instant downvotes in bunches for SPECIFIC types of content. That is material glorifying displays of cops getting shot, exposes on how intel agencies operate, and sharing of terrorist oriented materials. This has happened on multiple platforms - in at least one case on one where I was little known.

There is more but suffice it to say yours is also what a cop would say.