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The Pencil is Mightier Than the Sword

submitted by breh2 to CuckIsland 1.4 yearsDec 31, 2022 18:53:58 ago (+33/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Oi Mate! You got a loicense for that there pointy stick?!?

14 comments block

I was thinking about the implications this year when I finished welding school. Decided not to pursue that career because the pay is shit and the job is relentlessly boring, but the way those losers at the school pressured me to take some 'safe' low paying job where everything is provided, benefits, security...

You know who else has 'everything' they need provided for them by companies? Those Foxconn gooks throwing themselves out of windows by the 100s.

I remember one of the guys who works at the school, a real welder, he got hired to fly up and weld towers for $100 an hour. Everyone was so impressed. I regularly make $100 an hour with a grade 9 education. Fuck getting hired. He could have been making $1000 an hour on that job. Jobs are another prison.