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Video: Fifth Generation Warfare (you're in it!)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to 5GW 1.6 yearsNov 23, 2022 21:59:53 ago (+2/-1)     (www.onenewspage.com)


The topic comes up again!

Brought up by another familiar face that has a very significant following.

This topic is being pushed hard now. The gangstalking programs will be exposed soon at this rate.

So I think we can expect some whistleblowers soon looking to protect their own asses.

2 comments block

This will seem random, but you seem to have thought about this a lot. How targeted do you think a person who looks a bit like Brad Pitt/ Johnny Depp, and has a MENSA level IQ, but has a propensity towards anti-government thinking, would be?