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The Maskparade Charade

submitted by obvious to Wokeness 1.6 yearsNov 19, 2022 11:04:50 ago (+15/-0)     (off-guardian.org)


“Here’s my theory: People wearing masks are the flagellants of the dark ages during the plague years who would run around whipping themselves publicly for God’s forgiveness and atonement or something.”
“Masks appear not to be about the virus, but about supporting the true religion of the Environmental Zealotry”
Masks are a slave mark, show subservience to the civic religion of our overlords.

2 comments block

Not_C 1 points 1.6 years ago

Here in Canada apparently 7 out of 10 members of the public would want mask mandates back

That's bullshit.

I went to the airport a few days ago, I counted approximately 1 in 30 wearing a mask.
But people at the airport are generally on the wealthier side. So I went to Walmart.
In Walmart it was around 1 in 50.

Any poll that claims more than 5% of people want masks back is an all out lie.

The news in my part of the country claim that it's 52-55% of people wanting masks again. They keep it around 50% because they know that their numbers need to be above 50% but as low as possible to prevent people from calling bullshit.