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Emily Oster of the Atlantic "Pandemic amnesty". HOW MUCH DID YOU GET PAID? WHO GAVE THE ORDERS? WHAT WHERE YOU TOLD?

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Covid1984 1.6 yearsNov 6, 2022 13:06:08 ago (+35/-0)     (Covid1984)

This bitch demonized us and tried to force us to comply with the biggest genocide in human history!

But now she doesn't want to be held accountable because that would mean she would be executed for these capital crimes. But she hasn't been honest about her involvement in this.

She hasn't named names on who was orchestrating this behind the scenes. Who told her what to write or how big the bonuses where for her to turn traitor on humanity.

We are all just supposed to forgive and forget.

FUCK NO EMILY! We want the truth and your life depends on it.

We should start flooding her twatter account with these questions and demand answers. Not just her but all the celebrities and news pundits that acted as unregistered foreign agents in a horrific war against us all!

We can put enough pressure on these traitors that some will crack and give us the names of the organizers and organizations behind it all.


Let's force the question and I'm sure their reaction will speak volumes at a time when the useful idiots ar waking up to the fact that the media whores sold them lies that got them and their kids poisoned.

Thoughts guys?!

20 comments block

No, we should never stoop to their level. Especially when speaking the truth is far more devastating.

This is playing into their hands and diverting the conversation away from the accountability that needs to happen.