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Yet again, a white boomer tries winning the approval of the African black and showing you racist whites the error of your ways. isn't that right @zr855? you're virtuous

submitted by osomperne to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 1.6 yearsNov 4, 2022 16:54:09 ago (+0/-5)     (www.voat.xyz)


@zr855 is virtuous for "secretly" out in the open professing his good will towards the African black.

Notice the boomer only website, Jew York times.

As long as the African black stays in its own lands, separated by an ocean, no one gives a fuck. You don't care about the jiggabooing that has been going on since the beginning of mankind in Africa, you don't care about this (unless you're trying to prove you're not racist, in which case Minecraft yourself)


3 comments block

What possible interpretation of the op so much as alludes to the idea of Jewry?