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Levels of self defence. Guns, knives, pepper spray and tasers.

submitted by Laputois to whatever 1.7 yearsSep 26, 2022 16:27:07 ago (+5/-1)     (whatever)

Open discussion on the merits and pratfalls of various self defence items. Several reasons to have pepper spray and a taser even if you are carrying a handgun.
-You cannot walk around with a handgun in your hand. If you CCW, you cannot even lift your shirt to reveal the weapon, it's considered brandishing in most states and will get you arrested. You can walk around with a container of pepper spray IN YOUR HAND without any problems. You can show it to someone and tell them you will douse them if they come any closer and nothing will be done to you. Technically it's assault to threaten, but with a defence component most prosecutors will not bother to try it. Even if you had a scenario where there were no witnesses testifying against you, or video and you pepper srayed some random nigger I doubt the cops would arrest you if you said he threatened you. Police are taught that 20 feet of distance is required to prevent getting stabbed by an assailant before you can unholster and bring yor handgun to bear on them. You hit them with pepper spray and it may give you the time you need to train your weapon on them.
If you shoot and kill an unarmed nigger that is attacking you in most states you will be incarcerated for the rest of your life. Ask the McMichaels. It will be pounded into the jurists heads. "Unarmed...Black...Man..." You pepper spray the nigger, taze him and then beat the living shit out of him while he is incapacitated and the most you are looking at is assault with battery if there is a defence component. No prior convictions? You will walk on parole. You may have to clean up some riverbank on community service.
If you encounter a dog that attacks your dog while you are walking them, if you shoot, you run the risk of hitting your dog, you can be charged with discharging a weapon within city limits. If you kill the offending dog and get a woman judge, too many women dog lovers on the jury and you will be found guilty. Same scenario with the pepper spray, even if yo catch your dog with the spray too, it's non-lethal and they will recover. It's a great deterant to an attacking dog.
Just the crackle of a taser is enough to deter someone. I carry one that is incorporated into a flashlight that serves double duty.

23 comments block

Just an fyi, even holding peppers pay can be deemed brandishing, and if done correctly hold a gun in your hand is not. see NAA mini mag