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Blacks at my Local Gun Store

submitted by rapid_water to whatever 1.8 yearsSep 8, 2022 07:00:18 ago (+39/-0)     (whatever)

Yesterday, I visited the local gun store. It lies far enough outside urban black territory that I wouldn't expect to see any blacks, let alone urban ghetto blacks but that's exactly what I saw.

Two gang-type blacks, complete with dreadlocks, face/neck/hand tattoos, saggy pants, sandals with Nike Sweatpants were looking through guns and acting out in typical ghetto fashion: "Shit Dawg! Tyrone, come check this out Yo!" "Oh Naw man, they got everything fo real!" "Yo is that a silencer? I'm gonna buy that yo." It's a distraction to the entire store to see these two clowns act out like 5 year old children when they see a gun. Who in their right mind would sell these people a gun?

Then some white guy steps up and 'befriends them' and offers advice (so he wont' be considered a racists) telling them, "No bro, you need a tax stamp for that silencer" and starts talking guns with. The whole experience was surreal. In any reasonable society you would look at these two and conclude they probably should NOT be given guns.

America is falling quickly.

65 comments block

Dr_Mx -1 points 1.8 years ago

- stood by said nothing
- went home and complained to the internet

That's the real issue right there.