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Scythe vs. weed eater

submitted by 1Icemonkey to Homesteading 1.9 yearsJul 19, 2022 23:59:57 ago (+19/-0)     (offgridworld.com)


12 comments block

I use a sickle to cut my grass. The grass is on the North side of a five story building, so it doesn't get enough sunshine to survive mowing. I let it grow tall, but not quite as tall as in the video.

It needs to be kept sharp. The scythe man needs to add time for sharpening.

A weed whacker chews up the stalks. There are more, shorter bits to rake up. The weed whacker man needs to add time because raking up the cuttings to add to the compost heap is going to take longer. A lot longer.