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Shooter's manifesto contains no slurs

submitted by Kung_Flu to whatever 2 yearsMay 15, 2022 10:18:39 ago (+62/-4)     (whatever)

For as much as this guy supposedly hates niggers, he never calls them that.

Quick search through the manifesto:
Nigger: 0 found
Kike: 0 found
Spic: 1 found ("hospice")
Shitskin: 0 found
Mudslime: 0 found
Towel: 0 found

Gave up looking after that. Refusing to call niggers niggers is the clear mark of a glowy.

Edit: How can I forget faggot? I am a shame to my people. Also 0 results.

Edit2: In case you want to read it yourself: https://files.catbox.moe/jvis0p.pdf

68 comments block

If there's a manifesto after a mass shooting then it is almost always a fed operation.

Remember the letter of the supposed ''hijackers'' of the 9/11 attack which was used by the feds as 'evidence' to fool people into thinking that it was the Islamist hijackers behind the attack? They've been doing this kind of crap for a long time. Orchestrate a false flag, real or not, manufacture a letter or a manifesto and present it as 'evidence' to support the fraudulent official story of ZOG and the media.

They truly have no creativity.. too bad the public is retarded that keeps falling for the same shit over and over again.