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Randy Weaver from Ruby Ridge dead at 74.

submitted by MatthewJuly1313 to whatever 2 yearsMay 12, 2022 15:41:21 ago (+87/-0)     (whatever)

For those who don't know Randy Weaver was involved with the shootout at Ruby Ridge between him, his family, and the FBI, ATF, and US marshals. His dog Striker, son Sammy who was 14, and pregnant wife Vicki were killed by the feds while breaking no laws. Randy's crime was failure to appear in court after the feds entrapped him and got him to sell a sawed of shotgun to "white supremacists". The government and feds and police murdered innocent people. It led to Timothy McVeigh blowing up the Alfred P Murrah building in Oklahoma city and killing 168 and wounding 400 plus.

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His dog Striker, son Sammy who was 14, and pregnant wife Vicki were killed by the feds while breaking no laws.

Total bullsh*t ..

The Ridgers fired first what did they expect .. US Marshals who wanted to serve papers re the failure of Randy Weaver to attend court for the unlawful manufacture and sale of a sawed off shotgun, arrived at the Weaver household on Ruby Ridge near Naples, Idaho on August 21, 1992 ..

Deputy US Marshal 42 yo William Francis Degan shot the Weaver's dog where upon 14 yo Samuel Weaver shot him dead, where after he was himself shot dead when the other Marshals returned fire. The next day on August 22, 1992 FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi fired two shots from 200 yards away, conflicting accounts say Randy Weaver was hit in the arm and that family friend Kevin Harris was wounded.

That Horiuchi's next bullet killed Vicki Weaver and her infant daughter precipitating an 11 day standoff, Harris and Randy Weaver later surrendered both were acquitted of murder, conspiracy and other Federal charges .. Weaver was convicted of failing to appear for trial on the firearms charge, the Federal Government declined to prosecute Horiuchi. ArsTechnica. Britannica.com. Wiki.

Mr Weaver had been given three conflicting dates on which to appear when he was arraigned on the weapons charges in January 1991, first he was told his trial would commence on February 19, 1991, two weeks later the court clerk notified the parties that the trial date had been changed to February 20, 1991.

Shortly thereafter the US Probation Office sent Weaver a letter which incorrectly referenced his trial date as March 20, 1991. After Weaver failed to appear for trial on February 20, the court issued a bench warrant for his arrest. Three weeks later, on March 14, a federal grand jury indicted Weaver for his failure to appear for trial.

My own gut feeling is the whole issue was contrived, and that there has been a hoax / False Flag element at play since day 1.

Weaver should have been anticipating a visit from lawmen for failing to appear, and when he became aware they were on his doorstep he should have had the dog chained up, and made sure his son was not gonna fire which is what he did .. Sammy Weaver started it all, it is well known officers of the law shoot aggressive dogs.