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Tell your congressman to stop sending weapons to Ukraine before World War III starts and do it immediately.

submitted by Crackinjokes to politics 2.3 yearsMar 13, 2022 18:57:05 ago (+30/-2)     (politics)

If you have not gotten on the phone to your congressman immediately and told them you do not support sending weapons to Ukraine and you know that those weapons will get us involved in World War III then you need to do that RIGHT NOW. and tell them that Victoria nuland needs to be impeached and removed from any government position as well as anyone she's worked with and she needs to stop trying to instigate World War 3.

If you haven't gotten on your on the phone with your congressman and your senators and told them this you're crazy. It's the most important thing you need to be doing right now. you need to stop discussing covid. stop discussing the jabs. stop discussing who's a liberal. stop discussing who's Jewish and who's not. stop discussing all the other things and you need to get on the phone to your congressman and stop this because it's about to turn into a real world war with real nuclear weapons and the US will be at Target for the first time in our history since the civil War.

so please get on the phone to your congressman to get Victoria nulands schemes out of the USA. tell them to stop supplying the Ukraine with weapons and do it today. do it now. get on the phone stop f****** around on this stupid website and get on the phone and tell them now.

And post this EVERYWHERE FAST.

36 comments block

I see the local disinformation Jew has chimed in to keep you complacent and masturbating. The rest of you take some action.

Lead, follow or get out of the way.