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4 weekends in a row Biden supporters have bitched about my LETS GO BRANDON bumpersticker

submitted by con77 to USPolitics 2.3 yearsFeb 26, 2022 18:24:55 ago (+57/-1)     (USPolitics)

I volunteer for a veterans charity on the weekend. Ive had that sticker on my truck since the week of the NASCAR race that coined the phrase.

In the last month people have rebuked me for that sticker 3 weekends in a row.

Today a guy stood in a parking lot and shouted at me! He said "its a disgrace that a veteran would have that sticker on his truck and YOU'RE A TRAITOR! A TRAITOR!".

I was astounded and laughed in his face. Which only angered him more.

People watching this debacle came up and told me to never mind that guy hes an asshole.

What strikes me is that libtards are finally realizing what a complete and utter failure this imposter is and theyre lashing out.

I guarandamnfuckingtee you none of these assclowns complaining are veterans.

These are the people that watch Morning Joe or Jimmy Kimmel and think theyre informed.

I could verbally dismantle them using logic but they are incapable of even allowing someone to have a different opinion and are immune to facts.

Not to mention a total lack of a sense of humor. I served 7 years honorably. Joe Biden. Afghanistan.

Im the fucking traitor?

51 comments block

I have a sticker too. Some retard rolled up next to me and yelled "Fuck Trump". In agreement to a degree I'm just like "OK, and?". He got a bit confused and drove off.