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Happy birthday talk.lol

submitted by system to whatever 2.3 yearsFeb 26, 2022 00:39:05 ago (+109/-0)     (whatever)

One year ago today talk.lol was born. Launching the site I had no idea was to expect or if the thing would even work, but a year later I can say I am pleased with what it's become so far. I love this small corner of the internet. The importance of having a free and uncensored way to communicate and share ideas and information is immeasurable. Using the experimental covid 19 injection as an example, all the information you guys have posted over the last year has personally helped me convince people in my life to question it, and not blindly trust what the TV and mainstream social media is telling them. There are people out there suffering who wished they had all the information beforehand. This is just one example of censorship ruining and costing lives and why it should be abhorred. I'll take truth, real information, and "nigger", over lies, propaganda, and censorship any day. Any sane rational thinking individual would too.

One year later this place has grown into something special. I don't know what the future holds but at least this great community exists to shit post about it.

As far as the future of the site is concerned, I have plans to further improve it. Right now I am very happy with it's speed, performance, and reliability. I want to go through and fix all the little annoyances/inconsistencies (i.e. saving a thread causing a page reload, etc.). I had planned to already start working on this.. but shit happens. I hope to sit down and hack away at it in the next month or two.

Happy birthday Talk

Love you goats

70 comments block

You are the goat even though that's a stupid nigger term our culture has adopted