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Germany: Monday Strolls

submitted by FalseRealityCheck to policestate 2.3 yearsFeb 23, 2022 08:46:12 ago (+15/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)



Related: During the days of the Soviet Union people would get so fed up with all the bullshit propaganda coming from their media that they would go out and walk their dogs. Eventually, they started noticing the increasing numbers of other people out walking their dogs at particular times of day. They began talking to each other about all the corruption and lies in their government and media. The anti-government movements of the day developed from these 'dog walkers' which lead to the collapse of the government.

While the Internet is valuable, you also need to get out and talk to people around you in your community. That is the real reason why the overlords implemented masks and lockdowns — they have no defense against people getting together and talking.

4 comments block

dassar 0 points 2.3 years ago

'Oh my gawd, like seriously You can not stop us walking backwards, you tyrant'. Some twat on social media ...