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It's 2am and you are thirsty

submitted by TheBasedProthean to LiminalSpaces 2.3 yearsFeb 14, 2022 07:12:01 ago (+18/-3)     (files.catbox.moe)


13 comments block

You fucked up and asked lol

My first one was the ghost. I was 19 and never had a paranormal experience before that. I moved into a little house my parents had just bought after high school. The previous owner had just died, and the wife moved out to live with family. Its was a small old bungalow style house maybe 900sqft. It was just a little foyer/TV room that led to a Kitchen/Dining room and a small bedroom and bathroom. On multiple occasions if my friends were in the TV room, we could hear someone walking around the kitchen, obviously no one was there. My little radio would turn off by itself all the time. I was always uncomfortable in there when I was alone. The house never felt really threatening though. I was just scared because of the thought that some weird shit could happen at anytime. One night I was alone laying in the bedroom and I heard the footsteps in the kitchen. They moved slowly into my room. I just closed my eyes, as I normally did when shit was getting weird. After a couple seconds I felt the weight of a person get in my bed with me. It paused for a second then my blankets shot half way off me and the bed started shaking. In retrospect it felt exactly how you would expect someone climbing into their bed, looking over and seeing a stranger in it would act. I freaked out, and drove to my parents house, and moved out of that place after that. They thought I was crazy, but it was fucked up, and I didnt care. They went through a few short term renters after that, and then, a few years later an older guy that worked for my dad moved in, I asked him if he met the ghost, he didnt want to talk about it at all. They still have the house, its an airbnb now. I havnt really been in there other than for a few hours since then, its been almost 20 years now.

Years later I ended up in another old bungalow on the river in my city. Across the river was the highest elevation in town, which isnt high at all, we live in a very flat area. There is a run down strip center on top of the hill now. At the bottom of the hill is a big freshwater spring that flows into the river. The area was full of native Americans, my dad grew up in the area, and the kids used to dig and find arrowheads before the area got too built up. This house was small as well but 1300sqft. Just has a couple small bedrooms, and staircase in the middle of the house that led to a bisected loft. It was a cool old house. The upstairs was level with some very old growth trees, I could look at the river out of my windows, I love that place, Id probably still live there if it werent for all the niggers in that area. The ALWAYS felt very creepy though. My kids were always uncomfortable. If I had to get up in the middle of the night to get water, I was always scared for no reason. Thats why that picture spoke to me. In a normal house thats not big deal, but in an active house, you just look at that shit and say to yourself god damnt. It was like the house just hated us. Nothing ever happened there as intensely as it did my last active house, but there were constant little weird and chaotic things happening. Smoke detectors would not ever work in that house. They would trip constantly like once or twice a month. There was no gas line in this house either. I eventually got rid of all but one, and I would have to power it down by taking the battery out of all the damn time. The scariest thing I saw was one night I woke up, there was a shadow person standing in my door way. Ive had sleep paralysis before and this wasnt anything like that at all. I had full control of my body, my mind was totally sharp. I thought there was someone about to murder me for the first second, but i quickly realized that wasnt a person. Just a shadow standing there, it evaporated in front of my eyes over the course of about 5 seconds. It didnt blink out, it just faded away. We'd hear scratching a lot, but that was likely racoons in the crawl space under the house. We would hear them make noises from time to time and that was easy to wrap my head around. What wasnt was the disembodied Maahhhr sounds we would here every few months. It was like someone was standing right next to you growling breifly. It would scare the shit out of my dog. I had one do it while I was up at 2am playing games, It was so close It was like it was standing right in front my face. My dog looked at me like WTF. I just pointed at the sound and said NO!. My dog was like hell yea you tell it. My arm started to hurt a little bit after that, and I had a little light bite mark show up. It was weird as hell but nothing happened after that until I moved out a few months later.

I dont blame skeptics, it sounds crazy af, and honestly even if you spend the night in a "haunted house" the odds of anything happening are very low. The odds of something happening that a skeptic cant write off are even lower. But if you spend a long time in an active area, youll eventually get a hit on something that there is no fucking explaining it. Most places dont have anything going on at all. My current house, and the only other place I lived for any stretch of time are completely devoid of anything happening at all. The stairwells werent scary, never any weird sounds that cant be easily explained. Just good clean vibes.