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AMA request u/FightKnightHERO

submitted by HeyJames to whatever 2.3 yearsFeb 10, 2022 13:12:08 ago (+44/-3)     (whatever)

Edit: he has spoken
A crew of pagans who look at loli and think the age of consent should be outlawed exposing a user as an Israeli jew is not something I ever thought would happen on voat. But I'm here for it lmao

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62055578dd3f1

Want an open forum where he can address allegations of him being an Israeli jew

They look fairly credible and there needs to be a discussion

Personally have no dog in this fight as user drama isn't my cup of tea however this is both too damning and too hilarious to ignore

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162 comments block

oldblo -3 points 2.3 years ago

Dont be a cunt or turn out to be a minion of the powers that be and I think most everyone will be happy to have you stay.