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2 comments block

Treat women like you would children, you wouldn't burden kids with your flaws, anxieties or insecurities, so why would you do that to your gf/wife?

The woman in this video, like almost all women, thinks she wants a "sensitive guy*

No they don't, they want someone relatable, but women also have the maturity of children and want to be entertained all day.
Girls just want to have fun and talking about nonsense all day is fun for women.
Have you ever got text message spammed that you don't even have time to reply to the first message?

Secondly, she wasn't some chick I'd known for a few months, but rather my wife of 12 years at the time. I'd built up sufficient alpha/arousal equity by then...

Wrong, this is compounding the many problems in modern relationships, and a primary reason why divorce rates are so high. As soon as you drop your guard the femoid will rip your throat out.

Don't ever tell her any of your problems, you either work them out be crushed by them, move on and start a new.