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11 comments block

So after being scapegoated for pedo satanists 1366 times the Jews are telling their loxist elites to stop!!

They don't want to be human shields again and pay the price for them.

That puts us one revelation away from the Jews killing their own elites and ending this pattern.

Normally this results in their elites genociding them and leaving the useful idiots as the only Jews left so the cycle can continue.

Forcing the death jab on all Israelis makes much more sense when you realize this is the game they play.

The nazis didn't target all Jews. They where just fine with the zionists and targeted the Jews that didn't want to support this insane ideology.

Soros was a Jewish Zionist SS officer at the age of 14!

Hitler was a Rothschild!

Hitler had a Jewish driver!

Lots of zionist Jews where in the Wehrmacht!

Germany deported Jews to British Palestine!

Churchill was a mason zionist shill that promoted this plan!

The Jews have repeatedly ran their own slaughters for political gain of the satanist zionists. And they are in the process of doing it all over again.

Considering how many times this has happened it makes a mockery of the claim that Jews are the smartest ethnic group. They fell for the same deadly scam 1366 times so far and it's happening again.