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Trust the Plague: Kikes & Qtards are behind the Ivermectin & Hydroxy grift

submitted by mememeyou to conspiracy 2.7 yearsSep 30, 2021 00:55:33 ago (+3/-2)     (theintercept.com)


Covaids is tyranny. No treatment will stop tyranny besides rope for the tyrants.

These alternative treatments (besides Vax) for Covid, legitimize the lie of Covid, aka the common cold.

There is a Medical Operation Trust going on.

It is a military operation https://jssocial.pw/ppkey/fget/pic8/upload/Upk7rMsWjD.jpeg

Trust the Plague starter Kit https://jssocial.pw/ppkey/fget/pic8/upload/kgpuJcJU4b.png

Q-vermectards are literally Q tards. That is why they hate my posts with their shitty arguments & silent downvotes.
Trust Lin Wood - always reliable. Trust him about the election, Trust him about Ivermectin & Covaids:

[Last week, the hospital confirmed to a local NBC affiliate that it had been inundated with hundreds of calls and emails that had urged them to treat Wolski with ivermectin, a drug commonly used as a horse dewormer. The campaign had been organized by her friends in the QAnon community on Telegram and received an early boost from Flynn, but exploded when it was taken on by Lin Wood, the disgraced former Trump lawyer and QAnon superfan, who has over 800,000 followers on the messaging platform.
Last Tuesday, Wood took to Telegram to write that he personally had called the hospital to demand she be given ivermectin, and urged his followers to do the same and “let your voices be heard.”

Newsweek: "Other popular QAnon supporters who encouraged their followers to harass the hospital staff into treating Wolski with ivermectin include Sidney Powell, who along with Wood attempting to claim the 2020 election was rigged with the widely dismissed "kraken" lawsuits, and former national security adviser Michael Flynn."

3 comments block

Q was Operation Trust from the start. You are either dumb or clueless.
Trusting Trump & Pillow guy is free and a small commitment too. Wake up & admit Covid is fake & let go of the grift.
I'll talk about all the amazing & affordable benefits of horse paste after mando jabs, lockdowns, masks, camps, and Covid talk goes away. Until then, you are a shill helping the enemy. If every swinging dick gets unlimited ivermectin (like Bill Gates who donated a billion doses of ivermectin), what changes to the tyranny u fucking retard? Nothing.

The common cold over time & your care of treating the common cold over time:

-------------------------------(ivermectin 'works' & is cheap!)-------------------------------------
The common cold ----------------------COVAIDS!!!------------------------------- The common cold