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Incel Terminology

submitted by TheBasedProthean to IncelTears 2.8 yearsAug 22, 2021 06:52:24 ago (+2/-2)     (IncelTears)

Alpha (Male):  The opposite of a beta male. An Aryan who takes on risk, confident and a leader.

Ascend: When an incel moves on after getting laid or found a relationship.

AWALT: "All women are like that".

AMALT: Femcel version of AWALT. "All men are like that".

Betabux: A Simp where a girl takes advantage of him. He is chosen to be her significant other because he earns a decent wage to finance her lifestyle, etc.

Babebux: Femcel version of Betabux, but with less attached. A beta female when a man takes advantage of her. She is chosen to be his significant other because she earns a decent wage to finance his lifestyle, etc. "Cock Carousel" is exclusive to incels, so the last part of Betabux does not apply.

Blackpill: The kike’s rulebook on how to destroy men.

BTFO: "Blown the fuck out." Meaning a certain comment is demoralizing or demotivating to a group/individual. It can also be used to say someone lost an argument or got verbally one-upped.

Canthal Tilt: The canthal tilt is the angle of the lateral canthus (outside corner of eye) in relation to the medial canthus (inside corner of eye).

-cel: The specific reason an incel is an degenerate by various markers: height, weight, penises with jewish and untermensch backgrounds are common.

Chadlet: A short jewish Chad.

Chadlite: A jew who is almost a Chad, but not quite. Ranked above a “normie” in their hierarchy.

Cock carousel: Describes the period in "all" woman lives when she's sleeping with many men, usually seen as a time in their life going from 18-25 (usually includes college) where they have many different sexual partners. According to (((Incels))), this behavior makes women less valuable afterward.

Cope: A way for incels to focus on instead of improving themselves. Many of these copes are based in jew goop. (Porn, video games, anime)

Cuck/to be cucked/something is cucked: Originally referred to 'cuckold', more specifically a fetish where a man watches his wife being plowed by another man.

Currycels: Degerates from the shit country of India. They’re not that attractive, have shitskin, and openly takes shits in the street, hence the name “Street Shitters or “Shitskins”. They’re on par with niggers.
Elliot Rodger: Often abbreviated to ER, he was the narcisstic kike born from the womb of an chink and a jew. He went on a killing spree after murdering his three chinese roommates and felt that the sorority girls near him were throwing themselves at the Ayran males and not his jewish body. He was stopped by a locked door at the sorority house. Dumbass. Common among jews.

Escortcel: An incel who uses the services of an escort to get laid.

Femcel: A woman who cannot get commitment (in the form of an LTR) and she may or may not be able to get casual sex. They’re usually ignored by their own female peers

Foid/Femoid: Abbreviated form of "female humanoid," used to dehumanize females.

Hunter Eyes: The squinty, hooded shape a particular set of eyes. Couple this with an aesthetic shape - when the outer corner is higher than the inner like so, also known as positive canthal tilt.
Incel: Involuntary celibate. A degerate member of a (((group of people))) who are unable to find sexual partners despite wanting them, and who express hate towards people whom they blame for this.

It's over: A general greeting. Answer with "It never began."

JBW:  An excuse used by (((incels))) and alike to imply that "just being white" can resolve all incel problems. Unfortunately, incels are a mix of muttlattos, kikes, niggers, and non-aryans. Remember, Kikes are not white.
JB: Jailbait. Term used by all these degenerates to give word for their sick love to have sex with children.
JFL: Just fucking lol. Enough said.
KHHV: Kissless, handholdless, hugless virgin.
KV: Kissless virgin
Lanklet: Tall, skinny, and therefore unattractive jew.
LDAR: Lay down and rot, generally used to give up period. This point the advocation of jew suicide is recommended.
Looksmatch: An idiotic term to describe the scale of attractiveness between people.

Manlets:  Kikes. Enough said.

Mentalcel: An mentally-ill jew from the long line of inbreeding among jews.

NEET: "Not in Education, Employment, or Training". Widespread and is specific to incels and those within Japan, Hikikkomori.

The Nice Guy: A true man who was raised correctly by good, god-fearing parents. He is respectable, kind, loyal, protective, intelligent, generous, loving. Good man for raising a family. Thanks to the jew destruction of this word, there are only a few true Nice Guys left or have went into hiding due to the jew-influence of the word.

Normie: A brainwashed human. A slave.

Nu-male: Nu-males are men lacking self-respect who are completely devoid of any masculinity and will jump at any moment to defend women online for feminist brownie points while falsely believing that in return, they'll receive sexual favors. These are your common internet “Nice-guy” degenerates and many of these men are found to be raging pedophiles.

Oneitis: Another idiotic term created to explain why one is not having sex or lack there of.

Orbiter/beta orbiter: A guy that wants to sleep with his female friend. He "orbits" her (hangs out with in a needy way in the hopes of getting sex someday. Not going to happen, these men are also known to be pedophiles because they’ll get close to the mother in order to get to the kids.

Pinkpill: A femcel's brand of philosophy. It specifically refers to the lookism that women face and the pressure they're under to adhere to beauty standards.

Rice-:  Asian Incels.

Roastie: Used to describe a woman who has had sex with more than one partner. An insult that combines body shaming and slut-shaming in one.

Soy: There have been studies that prove soy lowers testosterone because the body breaks it down into estrogen, the female hormone.

St Blackops2cel: An 6’5” French guy from an online gaming forum who wore a gaming t-shirt from Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. He wants nothing to do with incels as he views them for ruining his life.

Stacy/Stacie: A hot, popular Aryan woman from Nordic countries. Most “stacies” today are slowly becoming Silvermans & Goldmans.

Sui: Suicide.
The Wall: Pink Floyd’s visual film using his music to depict a story of an depressed rockstar remembering his past and his rise to power as an hero for his country.

White Knight: A jew male who takes things out of context to adamantly defend women's rights. White Knights tend to make an issue out of something when there is no issue present such as the “six gorjillion” while exhibiting (((Nice Guy))) behavior when doing so.

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