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Bill Cosby is a Free Man and Has Always Been Innocent

submitted by SexMachine to whatever 3.0 yearsJun 30, 2021 18:26:27 ago (+36/-7)     (whatever)

Bill Cosby is a nigger, but he's not a regular dumb nigger.

Bill Cosby was sick of niggers. He said that niggers needed to pull their pants up and quit blaming White people for all their problems. the reason people treat you like a nigger is that you act like a nigger. I'm paraphrasing here, but that's the jist of what he was saying.

Right after that, rape allegations from 30 years ago abound. He was no longer useful to their goals. He was used to show White people "they're just like us!" when reality was the opposite.

The case, there was no evidence against him. Over a dozen accusations that he couldn't be prosecuted for because they were past the statute of limitations. Those accusations were used as evidence in the one case they could charge him with. It was bullshit all around.

I'm glad he's free.

58 comments block

*he admitted to abusing a common recreational drug with women.

These weren't just some women he picked up off the street, they were women who went to the playboy mansion to have sex with and do drugs with famous men. Not saying that makes him a gentleman, but it doesn't make him a rapist.