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submitted by Cunt to whatever 3.0 yearsJun 5, 2021 09:21:46 ago (+2/-7)     (whatever)

Join https://pureprofile.com . There is a survey called "Hello, what do you know?" (Or not, survey names might be randomised) paying $1.60 you might like to do. I think it was about 10 minutes long?

You can only cash out if you earn $20 or more but I think you will enjoy this survey.

12 comments block

Cunt -1 points 3.0 years ago

I keep trying to edit this post and it won't let me.

I'm not spamming. I didn't post my referral code. I'm saying ONE survey will be of interest to goats to fill out. I tried to identify it without breaking T&Cs so I can keep earning my occasional shitty $20. I can't tell you why it is of interest because of terms and conditions, but it is a topical survey. I only including the pay amounts to identify it and clarify you won't instantly get a dollar.