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Self defence

submitted by deleted to 4Chan 3 yearsMay 28, 2021 16:00:42 ago (+59/-0)     (4Chan)


37 comments block

The novel idea would be to stop participating in a legal system that is run by (((foreigners))), shitskins, and enforced by ZOGbots. As far as I'm concerned at this point, if the crime isn't committed against a White person, then it wasn't a crime. Shitskins aren't my people and kikes aren't my government, fuck the civnats. Whites should only be judged by other Whites in their local community and they should only be judged if their actions hurt other Whites.

We raise our own, we teach our own, we live with our own, we judge our own, and we bury our own.

The Amish do it everyday, I'm not investing my future in this kikeworld bullshit, fuck that.