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Self defence

submitted by deleted to 4Chan 3 yearsMay 28, 2021 16:00:42 ago (+59/-0)     (4Chan)


37 comments block

You don't bury the body, fucktard. You let all the blood out into a container, then boil the blood, then wash it off(or if you like the taste, don't). Then you slice the body to pieces, then burn it, piece by piece. Then you crush the remains and burn again(cause you were lazy fucker the first time, all of you are, at least first time). Then you use the remains as a fertilizer in your gardening projects. You have a garden, right? All killers have a garden. Makes a nice and harmless image of you and you can show off those huge plants growing in your garden and when they ask what's the special ingredient, you say "human remains" and you will laugh and they will laugh and nobody will notice absolutely anything.