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Insensitive opinion on this bitch

submitted by Cunt to Opinion 3.2 yearsApr 8, 2021 06:48:18 ago (+5/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


The video is not long, watch it first.
So I think we can all call bullshit on that she was not a single mother by choice the first time, she chose the dad, what did she expect.

This woman keeps coming up on my FYP going on about how dangerous amber teething necklaces are. Now I will agree with all her commenters that there is no scientific evidence they work but they 100% worked for my kids. Strangulation by necklaces is rare but it is a risk, luckily amber necklaces keep working for hours after you take them off (12 hours to full effect after putting them on and 12 hours after removal they wear off completely in my tests) so no need for babies to wear them unsupervised like when asleep.

This lady blames amber teething necklaces for her babies death. She takes no responsibility for not supervising her kid or leaving him with minimum wage strangers who in reality can not properly supervise the amount of kids that are usually in a decent daycare, and she admits hers was a crap daycare.

And with absolutely no self awareness she picks out a blond haired blue eyed donor sperm rather than bettering herself to attract an actual father for her next son.

9 comments block

Second baby looked like a weird albino asian