Their grip tightens. - Life sentences for speech. Pre-crime detention. Ex post facto law. Anonymous accusers. It's all in Justin Trudeau's "Online Harms Bill," a true "threat to democracy"     (www.racket.news)
submitted by Sector2 to Canada 1 month ago (+47/-0)
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Typical MSNBC: Spewing Horrific Obvious Lies and Verbal Runny Dog Shit all over, As Usual.      (www.racket.news)
submitted by beece to LyingNewsMedia 1.2 years ago (+6/-0)
Matt Taibbi that brought us the twitter files is now looking for researchers to locate the Fifth Generation Warfare documents that prove the government is at war with Americans!     (www.racket.news)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to 5GW 1.3 years ago (+30/-1)
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The twatter files prove that the US government was involved in psychological warfare against their own civilians with the full support of big tech!

That they censored and cancelled anyone that debunked the official narrative even if they did just share the governments own publications.

Even doctors and scientists that had found serious problems with the vax got banned. Resulting in many people taking the vax without the knowledge of the health dangers. Many of whom later regretted their decision publicly.

So he is now looking for the files that prove the government was engaged in a deadly war against their own civilians.

Many of these files are here in this sub.

Specifically the counterinsurgency manuals for ever NATO country including the Canadian one that describes how a fake viral pandemic is a great example of a psyop that could be used to fulfill all their objectives including killing political dissidents for arbitrary reasons with no judicial process or oversight.

This is where the weaponization of government committee will find themselves if they are honest. Uncovering a vast network of gangstalkers, gatekeepers and blackmail operations that are murdering millions at the orders of the globalists.

It was no coincidence that General Flynn released a book on this subject in December.

Putin also hinted over the last year that he was ready to expose that NATO was using these methods to genocide civilians.

The wagons are circling around this issue that I believe will be the end of the cabal and expose the masons as the main culprits of this.