The New York Times Debunked The Beginning Of The Holohoax Back in 1948     (therabbithole.wiki)
submitted by BulletStopper to Holohoax 3 weeks ago (+13/-0)
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Cool website with a ton of archived books that can be read online or downloaded     (therabbithole.wiki)
submitted by DeusExMachina to whatever 3 weeks ago (+30/-0)
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There are tons of books archived here. It has all sorts of neat books and papers on there from history to secret societies, to mystery schools/occultism to the jewish problem.

I just started reading, "The Zionist Network" by Senator Jack B. Tenney written in, I think, 1947. Real interesting stuff.
"Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields" by Olle Johansson     (therabbithole.wiki)
submitted by LoliNeko to science 2.8 years ago (+6/-1)
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A potential in-depth look at how EM fields, now pervasive in daily technology, might have a negative impact on our bodies. I'm not technically adept to dissect its legitimacy, so I'll let you guys give it a shot.
The Rabbit Hole Wiki - Humongous collection of miscellaneous redpilling literature     (therabbithole.wiki)
submitted by LoliNeko to books 2.9 years ago (+7/-0)
I came across this one yesterday and have downloaded half a dozen books or so. Nice to be back.     (therabbithole.wiki)
submitted by poopdawg15 to books 3.2 years ago (+16/-0)
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