Why Is the Media Ignoring Evidence of Israel’s Own Actions on 7 October     (original.antiwar.com)
submitted by mxcviel to IsraelCrimes 5 months ago (+4/-0)
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The BBC and others keep revisiting Hamas crimes that day, but fail to report on growing evidence that Israel killed its own citizens, often in grotesque fashion.

These disclosures have served to sustain public indignation in the West, and kept Palestinian solidarity activists on the back foot.

In turn, the outrage has smoothed Israel’s path as it has leveled vast swaths of Gaza; killed more than 18,700 Palestinians, most of them women and children; and denied the enclave’s population of 2.3 million access to food, water and fuel...

archived: https://archive.fo/T0qE1
How the West brought war to Ukraine     (original.antiwar.com)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 1.1 years ago (+1/-1)
Rand Report Prescribed US Provocations Against Russia and Predicted Russia Might Retaliate In Ukraine     (original.antiwar.com)
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to War 2.2 years ago (+3/-0)
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According to a 2019 Rand report titled "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia", the US goal is to undermine Russia just as it did the Soviet Union in the cold war. Rather than "trying to stay ahead" or trying to improve the US domestically or in international relations, the emphasis is on efforts and actions to undermine the designated adversary Russia. Rand is a quasi-US governmental think tank that receives three-quarters of its funding from the US military.