Kenneth E Long: Fifth Generation Warfare     (kennethelongauthor.com)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to 5GW 1.6 years ago (+4/-1)
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Yet another article on fifth generation warfare!

This topic is becoming mainstream in the USA and Pakistan (under attack by India using 5GW)!

So far the articles are very basic and miss the fact that actual physical violence such as chemical, biological and pharmaceutical poisoning is used along with rape, robbery, threats and mock executions.

These methods use terrorism and slow kill methods to mask the violence thus preventing the victims from being believed, defended or supported.

That's why it's the most deadly form of warfare yet. Millions are killed before it can be recognized as a genocide. And even the targeted population can be fooled into supporting the violence and silencing those warning of the dangers.

Criminals are released and even imported to cause more death, rape, trauma, expense and terrorism aimed at the public.

Psychological violence requires a physical component to trigger fear and trauma. The target must understand that they are in very real life threatening danger for the fear campaign part to have maximum effect.

It relies on infiltration so that all government and corporate power can be used to attack the civilian population with immunity.

This infiltration is done by compromising key gatekeepers with Epstein like operations that make them obedient slaves. Those that refuse to be compromised are character assassinated and removed to make way for willing puppets.

This type of warfare uses the age old tactics used by pedophiles, psychopaths and narcissists.

When a person studies these methods they are well informed to be able to navigate the lies and identify the traitors at war with us.