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Community for : 1.9 years

A place to document things related to anti-Whites and anti-Whitism.

Owner: oppressed


blonde native forced to kiss feet of nonwhite invaders     (
submitted by oppressed to antiWhite 4 weeks ago (+21/-1)
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Be my sister. Have 2 pitbulls that have already killed. Have 4 niggers who consistently impregnate various people. Have a faggot uncle with aids and consider it none of your business who he gives aids to. Also have a brother who better not say one word wrong about any of it. White man's burden     (antiWhite)
submitted by Dindu to antiWhite 4 days ago (+21/-1)
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You guys remember when the pitbulls killed our old boxer.

She considers herself in an open relationship with the professional wrestler you also remember. He just has kids left and right. She also takes care of three children from a previous marriage that were by another woman. Those kids are also having kids all over the place.

Here Comes our uncle out of nowhere befriending her before he dies. He's probably raping all kinds of teenagers up there with AIDS and she considers that none of her business.

They dont have to be responsible. But for us it is masks, vaccines, etc, and with me, every second is an eternity where I might say something that is held against me the rest of my life. Any given verbal moment can last forever. That is our level of responsibility. That is how these people are and that is the situation we are all in.
White anti-White worker wonders why he can't get a job in the DEI field.     (
submitted by allAheadFull to antiWhite 3 days ago (+13/-0)
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