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Community for : 5 months

Owner: system


A user has been banned for using a bot to vote.     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by system to UpgoatDev 2 weeks ago (+72/-3)
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He gave out 18k votes over the course of a few months. Every vote cast from the account has been reversed, so your points might have changed. Also I changed the upvote to downvote allotted ratio from 2:1 to 4:1 3:1 2.5:1. If you can no longer downvote then try upvoting more.
request to change v/Niggers to v/niggers     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by dirtywhiteboy to UpgoatDev 3 months ago (+51/-3)
21 comments last comment...
would this be possible without messing up the sub? thanks in advance.
You can now save comments     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by system to UpgoatDev 5 months ago (+43/-0)
20 comments last comment...
Long overdue but better late than never 😎. Comment threads beyond 10 deep aren't supported yet.
Implemented some minor requested changes     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by system to UpgoatDev 2 months ago (+39/-0)
35 comments last comment...
• The anonymous on/off toggle is now applied when replying to an anon comment from inside your inbox
• Anon should remain on even when toggled off if you are the OP of an anon topic
• You can now type #hashtags without it triggering the

header formating

• Updated the mentions page, added ability to delete them
• You can now see the date and time of a comment by hovering over the time text
Fixed issue with 'stay logged in' not sticking     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by system to UpgoatDev 4 months ago (+35/-0)
18 comments last comment...
Let me know if you are still having problems with it.
See this spam faggot bullshit? THIS is why the site needs unrestricted downvotes. Otherwise it's all you'll see      (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to UpgoatDev 2 weeks ago (+26/-9)
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I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for @system
Fixed issue with block/mute not working when directly visiting a sub     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by system to UpgoatDev 5 months ago (+16/-0)
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It should work properly across the whole site now. Let me know if that's not the case.

Also fixed an issue with expired mutes not notifying you when they reply to your thread/comment.
Upgoat feature request - Get rid of anon posting entirely. It's blatantly being used to ruin this site.     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to UpgoatDev 2 months ago (+23/-9)
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Unless you made this site to be ruined in the first place, in which case you having an "anon feature" makes perfect sense.

Why do you even have anon posting? Is there some benefit to it? It not difficult to understand the reason the chans got ruined is because they didn't use account names. It's even less difficult to see in real time the clearly deliberate uptick in anon posting being used as a tactic to ruin this site. So why are you allowing it? Did you make this place with the intention of letting it be ruined?

There's no benefit to allowing "anon" posts. Even if their were, it would never come even slightly close to outweighing the gargantuan negatives that it has.
Timestamps in threads     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by bobdole9 to UpgoatDev 2 months ago (+11/-0)
12 comments last comment...
On thread pages, we have timestamps.
Voting on comments removes the timestamp Fixed     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by bobdole9 to UpgoatDev 2 months ago (+9/-0)
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Voting on the post won't update the vote count...also doesn't remove the timestamp either.
Ok ok ok      (UpgoatDev)
submitted by system to UpgoatDev 2 weeks ago (+13/-3)
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Goats love their downvotes. I should have named the place downgoat. Whatever makes you happy I guess. 2.5:1 is my final offer. This ratio will effect 1-2 active posters.
Request for an option to see things ranked by most downvoted. That would let us see what they are really trying to hide.     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by Crackinjokes to UpgoatDev 3 months ago (+10/-2)
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I do agree seeing the most downvoted would be very useful. That would be the stuff that they are really trying to hide
Can't save posts      (UpgoatDev)
submitted by dulcima to UpgoatDev 5 months ago (+7/-0)
15 comments last comment...
When I try to save a post all I get is a white page. Anyone else having this issue, or am I doing something retarded?
Request for ranking by upvoats only (stops trolls and kikes from affecting listings by their downvote squads).     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by Crackinjokes to UpgoatDev 3 months ago (+7/-0)
17 comments last comment...
It should be an option.

Maybe even the default homepage showing.

I asked for this for years on Reddit when it was obvious that there were people who were trying to stop things from being seen but of course I was naive because Reddit actually was actively trying to stop things from being seen.

The idea of a downvote philosophically is that good-minded people will downvote things that are obviously inaccurate or wrong in some way. But what it's actually used for is by people who don't want other people to see things that are truthful.

If you think about it there really isn't any reason for down vote although I'm not saying to get rid of it. If people want to see the ranking based on the sum of upvotes versus downvotes for each post well that's fine. But if you really think about it there's no reason for downvotes.
What you really want to see is the topic or post that the most people have been excited about and upvoated. That won't happen for bad posts.
And you don't want half those people to be negated by professional Mossad trolls and kikes coming in here and trying to keep you from seeing that information.

It's become more and more common when I'll load the front page on "new" for new rankings that I see a bunch of good posts I'll have negative one as their votes. And that's just a sign that somebody is going through and downvoated a bunch of really good posts to try to keep them from getting momentum and rising to the top.

Now this is going to become more and more problematic is this place becomes more and more popular and it is. It's going to attract Mossad paid streetshitters to do this and it's going to attract Jewish trolls and they're going to try to do to this place what they did at reddit. And I don't want to argue about it fight about it. There's no reason not to give people the choice to see things right only by the number of upvotes without any consideration for the number of downvotes. Just give people the choice.

It's easy to modify the code and duplicate it so that there's an extra choice on the menu up there it says upvotes only and you take out the one portion of the code where it sums in the downvotes with the upvotes before doing the ranking.

I even did it for Reddit but they wouldn't incorporate it into the site because of course they wanted to be able to download stuff they didn't want people to see. Hell they probably had automatic algorithms working in the background that loaded things with down votes that they didn't want mentioned like jews.

Anyway this place hopefully isn't really trying to control the narrative by having a bunch of downvotes and letting Mossad run ripshod over this place.

So how about it?
Setting page 404     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by Cunt to UpgoatDev 4 months ago (+5/-0)
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@system page 404. Also do you know why thumbnails don't load for me (I have to click the +)?
Save posts without reloading page and without an annoying popup.     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by shadowwolf225 to UpgoatDev 5 months ago (+4/-0)
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I've long wanted to save posts without reloading the page. As of today that now seems to work but now sens an alert that the post was saved successfully.

First, thanks for making it so the page no longer requires a reload. That's cool. Instead of an alert can we just get the regular "save" button back without the 3 dots and when saved change the text from "save" to "saved" (maybe with a color change to make it obvious. This should be easily doable via js and has been the default on the niggerjew loving site for years, even before it went super cucked. It's the best for user experience.

Thanks @system we actually do appreciate you.
Two site issues original content     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by Kozel to UpgoatDev 5 months ago (+3/-0)
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Here's two problems:

1. If I leave a comment I can't view my comments for a couple of hours afterwards. It just looks like this:

2. I can't upvote or downvote submissions or comments. (this will download it won't play in browser. I should have made mp4 but whatever)

I'm guessing #2 is some sort of alt protection since I'm using SPN and bouncing between IPs.
Generic subs thin skinned faggots have no business owning     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by mikenigger to UpgoatDev 3 months ago (+4/-1)
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/v/TIL, /v/Guns - owned by dangus, WTF?
/v/CombatFootage - i'm basically the only active poster there, banned for no reason
/v/Bears - owned by the banned pedophile, i still can't post there cause the pedo banned me

Title/alt text appearing on badges     (
submitted by bobdole9 to UpgoatDev 2 months ago (+3/-0)
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Old links on site     (
submitted by chrimony to UpgoatDev 2 weeks ago (+1/-0)
4 comments last comment...

Avatars on are linked to
Not that it matters too much, but change the year in your footer.     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by Stonkmar to UpgoatDev 5 months ago (+1/-0)
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Nitpicky I know.
Tried to save while logged out. Pop up box has half of an unfinished sentence.      (UpgoatDev)
submitted by Stonkmar to UpgoatDev 4 months ago (+0/-0)
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How to view/manage blocked users? original content     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by Kozel to UpgoatDev 2 weeks ago (+0/-0)
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I can't find it help
request a new subverse be created - ChristianAnon, with anonymous posting option due to anti-Christs on upgoat     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by oppressed to UpgoatDev 2 months ago (+1/-4)
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there are so many anti-Christs on upgoat that spiritual warriors need a place to come to and rest and vent without fear of reprisal. make new subverse called ChristianAnon